
Apocrypha: Meaning, Pronunciation, and Origins

The word “apocrypha” is pronounced as uh-pok-ruh-fuh and is derived from the Greek word “apokryphos,” meaning “hidden” or “obscure.” In Urdu, it can be translated into several meanings, including “مخفی” (hidden), “غیر معتبر” (not authentic), and “مشکوک” (doubtful).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for apocrypha include “unauthentic,” “spurious,” and “fictitious.” Antonyms, on the other hand, include “authentic” (معتبر), “genuine” (اصلی), and “reliable” (قابل اعتماد).

Nearby Words

Related words to apocrypha include:

  • Apocryphal (adjective) – مشکوک
  • Apocryphally (adverb) – مشکوک طور پر
  • Apocryphalness (noun) – مشکوکیت

Origin of the Word

The term “apocrypha” originally referred to religious texts that were not included in the official canon of the Bible. These texts were considered of doubtful authenticity or authorship. Over time, the word’s usage expanded to include any writings or stories that are of questionable origin or veracity.

Examples Sentences

1. The book contains apocryphal stories that are not supported by historical evidence. (کتاب میں مشکوک کہانیاں ہیں جو تاریخی ثبوت کی حمایت نہیں کرتی ہیں۔)

2. He dismissed the claims as apocryphal and unreliable. (انہوں نے دعووں کو مشکوک اور غیر قابل اعتماد قرار دیا۔)

Further Resources

To explore more about the term “apocrypha,” you can visit the following websites:

By understanding the meaning, pronunciation, and origins of apocrypha, you can better comprehend its significance in various contexts.