
Apocryphal Meaning in Urdu: افسانوی

Apocryphal is an adjective that is used to describe something that is of doubtful authenticity or origin. In Urdu, it is translated as “افسانوی” which means fictional or mythical.

Synonyms of Apocryphal:

  • Fabricated – جعلی
  • Unverified – غیر تصدیق شدہ
  • Questionable – مشکوک
  • Dubious – شک و شبہ

Antonyms of Apocryphal:

  • Authentic – صحیح
  • Genuine – اصلی
  • Verified – تصدیق شدہ
  • Valid – درست

Nearby Words:

  • Apocalypse (Noun) – قیامت
  • Apocrypha (Noun) – غیر معتبر کتابیں
  • Apocryphally (Adverb) – افسانوی طور پر
  • Apocryphalness (Noun) – افسانوی پن

Origin of the Word Apocryphal:

The word “apocryphal” originated from the Greek word “apokruphos” meaning “hidden” or “obscure.” It was first used in English in the late 16th century to refer to writings of questionable authenticity, particularly those not included in the biblical canon.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. The story of the lost city was apocryphal, with no evidence to support its existence. (افسانوی)
  2. He shared an apocryphal tale about meeting a famous celebrity. (افسانوی)
  3. She dismissed the rumors as apocryphal and urged people to seek verified information. (افسانوی)

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