
Apogee Meaning in Urdu: اوج

Apogee is a noun that refers to the highest point or climax of something. It can also mean the point in an orbit around the Earth where a satellite or a celestial body is farthest from the Earth. In Urdu, the word “apogee” can be translated as “اوج” which also means the highest point or climax.

Synonyms of Apogee:

  • Peak – چوٹی
  • Culmination – اوج
  • Summit – قمة
  • Crest – چوٹی

Antonyms of Apogee:

  • Nadir – زمین کا نچلا حصہ
  • Bottom – تہ
  • Trough – کھائی
  • Base – بنیاد

Nearby Words:

  • Apology (Noun) – معذرت
  • Apostle (Noun) – رسول
  • Appetite (Noun) – خواہش
  • Applaud (Verb) – تعریف کرنا

Origin of the Word Apogee:

The word “apogee” originated from the Greek word “apógaion” meaning “away from the Earth.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The concert reached its apogee when the famous singer took the stage. (کنسرٹ نے اپنی اوج پر پہنچ گئی جب مشہور گلوکار نے میزبانی کی)
  2. The satellite is currently at its apogee and will start descending towards the Earth. (سیٹلائٹ فی الحال اپنی اوج پر ہے اور زمین کی طرف گرنا شروع کر دے گا)

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