
Backwaters Meaning in Urdu: اندرونی پانی کا سمندر

Backwaters, in Urdu, is known as “اندرونی پانی کا سمندر”. It refers to a body of stagnant or slow-moving water, typically found in a river or a lake, that is separated from the main flow. Backwaters are often characterized by calm and serene surroundings, making them popular tourist destinations.

Synonyms of Backwaters:

  • Stagnant Water – ساکن پانی
  • Still Water – ساکن پانی
  • Quiet Water – خاموش پانی

Backwaters Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backwaters is [bak-waw-ters].


  • Mainstream – مرکزی روانی
  • Flowing Water – بہتا ہوا پانی
  • Active Water – فعال پانی

Nearby Words:

  • Backward (Adjective) – پچھواڑا
  • Backward (Adverb) – پیچھے
  • Backwardness (Noun) – پچھواڑا پن

Origin of the Word Backwaters:

The word “backwaters” originated from the combination of “back” and “waters.” It refers to the water that flows backward or is held back from the main stream. The term is commonly used in the context of rivers and lakes.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The house was situated near the backwaters, providing a peaceful and picturesque view. (گھر بیک واٹرز کے قریب تھا، جو ایک سکون اور خوبصورت منظر فراہم کرتا تھا۔)
  2. We enjoyed a boat ride in the backwaters of Kerala. (ہم نے کیرالہ کے بیک واٹرز میں بوٹ کی سیر کا لطف اٹھایا۔)

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