
Backwater Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Backwater, known as “پچھواڑا” in Urdu, has several meanings. It can refer to a body of stagnant or slow-moving water, such as a pool or a marsh. It can also signify a place or situation that is isolated, stagnant, or lacking in progress.

Synonyms of Backwater:

  • Stagnant Water – “ساکن پانی”
  • Still Water – “ساکن پانی”
  • Standstill – “رکاوٹ”
  • Deadlock – “بندش”

Backwater Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backwater in English is /ˈbækˌwɔtər/. To hear the pronunciation, you can visit


  • Progress – “ترقی”
  • Advancement – “ترقی”
  • Development – “تشکیل”
  • Growth – “نشوونما”

Nearby Words:

  • Backward (Adjective) – “پچھلا”
  • Backwardness (Noun) – “پچھلاؤ”
  • Backwards (Adverb) – “پیچھے”
  • Backwardly (Adverb) – “پیچھے کی طرف”

Origin of the Word Backwater:

The word backwater originated in the late 17th century and combines the words “back” and “water.” It refers to water that has backed up or is flowing backward.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The river formed a backwater, creating a calm and peaceful environment. (ندی نے پچھواڑا بنایا، جو ایک سکون اور پرامن ماحول پیدا کرتا ہے۔)
  2. The small town remained a backwater, untouched by modernization. (چھوٹا شہر ایک پچھواڑا رہا، جو ترقی سے بے لگام رہا۔)

For more information about backwater, you can visit the following links:

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