advisory council

Advisory Council Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “advisory council” is [ad-vahy-zuh-ree koun-suhl].

Advisory Council Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “advisory council” in Urdu can be translated as:

  • مشورتی کونسل
  • مشاورتی مجلس
  • مشورتی انجمن

Origin of the Word Advisory Council

The term “advisory council” originated from the combination of the words “advisory” and “council.” The word “advisory” refers to providing advice or recommendations, while “council” refers to a group of individuals who come together to discuss and make decisions.

Synonyms of Advisory Council

Synonyms of “advisory council” include:

  • Consultative body
  • Advisory committee
  • Advisory board

Antonyms of Advisory Council

Antonyms of “advisory council” in Urdu are:

  • غیر مشورتی کونسل (Non-advisory council)
  • غیر مشاورتی مجلس (Non-advisory assembly)
  • غیر مشورتی انجمن (Non-advisory association)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “advisory council” are:

  • Advisory (noun) – مشورتی (mashwari)
  • Council (noun) – کونسل (council)
  • Meaning (noun) – معنی (ma’ani)
  • Urdu (noun) – اردو (Urdu)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “advisory council” along with their Urdu translations:

  • The government formed an advisory council to provide guidance on economic matters. (حکومت نے معاشی معاملات پر راہنمائی کے لئے ایک مشورتی کونسل قائم کی)
  • The advisory council recommended implementing stricter environmental regulations. (مشورتی کونسل نے مزید سخت ماحولیاتی ضوابط کے لاگو کرنے کی تجویز کی)
  • She was appointed as a member of the advisory council due to her expertise in the field. (اس کے میدان میں اپنی مہارت کی بنا پر اسے مشورتی کونسل کے رکن کے طور پر تعینات کیا گیا)

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