
Airhostess Pronunciation

The word “airhostess” is pronounced as air-hos-tess.

Airhostess Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of airhostess in Urdu can be translated as:

  • ہوائی میزبان (hawai mizbaan)
  • ہوائی میزبانہ (hawai mizbaanah)
  • ہوائی میزبانی (hawai mizbaani)

Origin of the Word Airhostess

The word “airhostess” originated from the combination of “air” and “hostess.” It refers to a female flight attendant who assists passengers during a flight.

Synonyms of Airhostess

Synonyms of airhostess include:

  • Flight attendant
  • Cabin crew
  • Stewardess

Antonyms of Airhostess

Antonyms of airhostess with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Passenger – مسافر (musafir)
  • Pilot – ہوا باز (hawa baaz)
  • Co-pilot – ہم طیارہ (ham tayyarah)

Nearby Words

Related words to airhostess with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • 1. Airline (noun) – ہوائی جہاز (hawai jahaz)
  • 2. Airport (noun) – ہوائی اڈا (hawai adda)
  • 3. Airplane (noun) – ہوائی جہاز (hawai jahaz)
  • 4. Attendant (noun) – خدمت گار (khidmat gaar)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “airhostess” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • 1. The airhostess served refreshments to the passengers. (ہوائی میزبان نے مسافروں کو تازگیاں پیش کیں۔)
  • 2. The airhostess demonstrated the safety procedures before takeoff. (ہوائی میزبان نے اڑان سے پہلے حفاظتی اقدامات کا عمل دکھایا۔)
  • 3. The airhostess greeted the passengers with a warm smile. (ہوائی میزبان نے مسافروں کو گرم مسکان کے ساتھ خوش آمدید کیا۔)

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