
Answered Meaning in Urdu: جواب دیا گیا

Pronunciation: [an-serd]

Meaning in Urdu:

  1. جواب دیا گیا
  2. جواب مل گیا
  3. جواب دیا ہوا


  • responded (جواب دیا)
  • replied (جواب دیا)
  • acknowledged (تسلیم کیا)
  • retorted (جواب دیا)


  • ignored (نظر انداز کیا گیا)
  • unanswered (بے جواب)
  • avoided (بچا گیا)
  • neglected (لاتعلقی کی)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
answer noun جواب
answering adjective جواب دینے والا
answerable adjective جواب دہ
answerability noun جواب دہی


The word “answered” is the past tense and past participle of the verb “answer.” It originated from the Middle English word “ansueren” and the Old English word “andswarian,” which means to respond or reply to a question or statement.

Example Sentences:

  1. He answered all the questions correctly. (وہ تمام سوالات کا درست جواب دیا گیا۔)
  2. She answered the phone as soon as it rang. (جیسے ہی فون بجا، اس نے جواب دیا۔)
  3. The teacher answered the student’s query patiently. (استاد نے صابری سے طالب علم کے سوال کا جواب دیا۔)

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