
Adagio Pronunciation

The word “adagio” is pronounced as uh-dah-jee-oh. The stress is on the second syllable, “dah”.

Adagio Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, “adagio” can be translated into multiple meanings:

  1. آہستہ – meaning “slowly” or “gently”
  2. دھیما – meaning “slow” or “leisurely”
  3. سست – meaning “slack” or “languid”

Origin of the Word Adagio

The word “adagio” has its origins in Italian. It comes from the Latin word “ad agium,” which means “at ease” or “at leisure.” It is commonly used in music to indicate a slow tempo.

Synonyms of Adagio

Some synonyms of “adagio” include:

  • Slow
  • Lento
  • Andante
  • Leisurely


Antonyms of “adagio” in Urdu are:

  • تیز – meaning “fast” or “quick”
  • جلدی – meaning “hurried” or “swift”
  • تیزی سے – meaning “rapidly” or “speedily”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “adagio” are:

  • Adage (noun) – مثالیں – meaning “proverb” or “saying”
  • Adamant (adjective) – سخت – meaning “firm” or “unyielding”
  • Adapt (verb) – موافق بنانا – meaning “to adjust” or “to modify”

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He played the piano piece adagio with great emotion. (وہ نے پیانو کے ٹکڑے کو بہت جذباتی انداز میں بجایا۔)
  2. The dancers moved gracefully to the adagio music. (رقاصین نے آہستہ موسیقی کے ساتھ خوش انداز میں حرکت کی۔)
  3. She spoke in an adagio tone, calming everyone down. (وہ آہستہ انداز میں بات کرتی تھی، سب کو سکون مل گیا۔)

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