bag of bones

Bag of Bones Meaning in Urdu: Explained

Bag of Bones is an idiomatic expression that is commonly used in English to describe someone who is extremely thin or emaciated. In Urdu, it can be translated as “ہڈیاں کی ٹوکری” (Hadiyan Ki Tokri), which literally means a bag full of bones. This phrase vividly portrays the image of a person who appears skeletal due to extreme thinness.

Synonyms of Bag of Bones:

  • Skeleton (ڈھانچہ)
  • Emaciated (کمزور)
  • Gaunt (دبلا-پتلا)
  • Bony (ہڈیوں والا)

Bag of Bones Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of Bag of Bones is [bag uhv bohnz].


  • Plump (موٹا)
  • Well-fed (خوب خوراک)
  • Healthy (صحتمند)
  • Robust (مضبوط)

Nearby Words:

  • Bag (noun) – تھیلا
  • Bone (noun) – ہڈی
  • Meaning (noun) – معنی
  • Urdu (noun) – اردو

Origin of the Word Bag of Bones:

The origin of the phrase “Bag of Bones” can be traced back to the early 19th century. It is believed to have originated from the literal description of a bag filled with bones, symbolizing extreme thinness or emaciation.

Example Sentences:

  1. She was so malnourished that she looked like a bag of bones. (وہ اتنی غذائیت سے محروم تھی کہ وہ ہڈیاں کی ٹوکری کی طرح نظر آتی تھی۔)
  2. After being sick for weeks, he became a bag of bones. (ہفتوں تک بیمار رہنے کے بعد، وہ ہڈیاں کی ٹوکری بن گیا۔)

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