
Abbreviations: A Brief Guide to Pronunciation, Meaning, and Usage

Pronunciation of Abbreviations

Abbreviations (əˌbriːviˈeɪʃənz) are shortened forms of words or phrases used to represent the full form. They are commonly used in written communication to save time and space.

Meaning of Abbreviations in Urdu

In Urdu, abbreviations are known as “Takhfeef” (تخفیف) or “Mukhtasir” (مختصر). They play a significant role in various fields, including education, technology, and business.

Origin of the Word Abbreviations

The word “abbreviation” originates from the Latin word “abbreviatio,” which means a shortening or reduction. It entered the English language in the late 15th century.

Synonyms of Abbreviations

1. Acronyms (اکرونمز)
2. Initialisms (ابتدائی حروف)
3. Short forms (مختصر فارم)
4. Contractions (تنگ کرنا)

Antonyms of Abbreviations

1. Expansions (توسیع)
2. Elongations (لمبائی)
3. Full forms (مکمل فارم)
4. Unabbreviated (غیر مختصر)

Nearby Words

1. Abbreviate (verb) – تخفیف کرنا
2. Abbreviated (adjective) – مختصر شدہ
3. Abbreviating (verb) – تخفیف کرنا
4. Abbreviator (noun) – تخفیف کنندہ

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. Please provide your ID (شناختی کارڈ) for verification.
2. The CEO (مدیر عام) of the company will address the employees tomorrow.
3. RSVP (ریسپونڈ سو ویل پلیز) to confirm your attendance at the event.
4. The professor asked us to read the ch. (چاپٹر) before the lecture.

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