
Agglomerations: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Agglomerations, pronounced as [uh-glom-uh-rey-shuhnz], refers to the act or process of collecting or forming into a mass or cluster. In Urdu, agglomerations can be translated as:

  • جمع (jama) – noun
  • مجمع (majma) – noun
  • مل جل کر رکھنا (mil jul kar rakhna) – verb

Origin of the Word Agglomerations

The word “agglomerations” originated from the Latin word “agglomerare,” which means “to gather into a ball.” It entered the English language in the mid-18th century.

Synonyms of Agglomerations

Some synonyms of agglomerations include:

  • Cluster
  • Mass
  • Heap
  • Collection
  • Accumulation

Antonyms of Agglomerations

Antonyms of agglomerations in Urdu are:

  • الگ (alag) – noun
  • تفریق (tafriq) – noun
  • منفرد (munfarid) – adjective

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to agglomerations are:

  • Agglomeration (noun) – مجموعہ (majmua)
  • Agglomerate (verb) – ملانا (milana)
  • Agglomerated (adjective) – مل جانا (mil jana)
  • Agglomerating (verb) – ملنا (milna)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using agglomerations along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The agglomerations of people at the concert created a lively atmosphere. (کنسرٹ میں لوگوں کا جمع ہونا تازگی بھرا ماحول پیدا کرتا ہے۔)
  • The agglomerations of stars in the night sky were breathtaking. (رات کے آسمان میں تاروں کا مجموعہ دل کو دھڑکانے والا تھا۔)
  • She agglomerated all her thoughts and ideas into a single document. (اس نے اپنے تمام خیالات اور تصورات کو ایک ہی دستاویز میں مل جلا دیا۔)

For more information on agglomerations, you can visit the following websites: