area rationing officer

Area Rationing Officer Meaning in Urdu

The term “Area Rationing Officer” refers to a government official responsible for implementing and overseeing the rationing of essential commodities in a specific area. In Urdu, the meaning of Area Rationing Officer can be described as:

Meanings in Urdu:

  • علاقائی ریشنگ افسر
  • علاقائی ریشنگ افسر کا مطلب
  • علاقائی ریشنگ افسر کی تشریح


1. Rationing Officer – ریشنگ افسر

2. Distribution Officer – تقسیم افسر


1. Free Distribution Officer – آزاد تقسیم افسر

2. Unrestricted Officer – بے قید افسر

Nearby Words:

1. Area (Noun) – علاقہ

2. Rationing (Noun) – ریشنگ

3. Officer (Noun) – افسر


The term “Area Rationing Officer” originated from the combination of the words “area,” referring to a specific region, and “rationing,” which means the controlled distribution of scarce resources. The word “officer” signifies the person responsible for managing and enforcing the rationing system.

Example Sentences:

  1. The Area Rationing Officer ensured fair distribution of food supplies during the crisis. (علاقائی ریشنگ افسر نے مصیبت کے دوران خوراکیں منصفانہ تقسیم کی)
  2. The Area Rationing Officer was appointed to regulate the distribution of fuel in the city. (علاقائی ریشنگ افسر کو شہر میں توسیع کے تقسیم کا نظم کرنے کے لئے تقرر کیا گیا تھا)

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