
Pronunciation of Abuts

Abuts is pronounced as uh-buhts.

Meaning of Abuts in Urdu

Abuts has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. ملنا (milna) – to meet or join
  2. متصل ہونا (mutsal hona) – to be connected
  3. قریب ہونا (qareeb hona) – to be nearby

Origin of the Word Abuts

The word “abuts” originated from the Middle English word “abutten,” which means “to touch upon” or “to border on.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “abouter,” which has the same meaning. The word ultimately comes from the Latin word “ad” meaning “to” and “buttis” meaning “end.”

Synonyms of Abuts

Some synonyms of abuts include:

  • adjoins
  • borders
  • meets
  • touches

Antonyms of Abuts

Antonyms of abuts in Urdu:

  1. الگ ہونا (alag hona) – to be separate
  2. دور ہونا (door hona) – to be far
  3. جدا ہونا (juda hona) – to be apart

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abuts with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Adjacent Adjective قریبی (qareebi)
Border Noun سرحد (sarhad)
Connect Verb ملانا (milana)
Join Verb شامل ہونا (shamil hona)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The house abuts the park. (گھر پارک سے ملتا ہے۔)
  2. The two properties abut each other. (دو جگہیں آپس میں ملتی ہیں۔)
  3. The river abuts the city. (دریا شہر سے ملتا ہے۔)


For more information about the word “abuts,” you can refer to the following sources: