
Abandoning Pronunciation in Third Bracket

Abandoning pronunciation in third bracket refers to the act of disregarding or neglecting the correct way of pronouncing words. This phenomenon is commonly observed in informal or colloquial speech, where individuals tend to deviate from the standard pronunciation.

Abandoning Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, abandoning can be translated as “ترک کرنا” (Tark Karna) or “چھوڑنا” (Chhorna). It signifies the act of leaving something behind or giving up on a particular thing or person.

Origin of the Word Abandoning

The word “abandoning” originates from the Old French word “abandoner,” which means “to surrender” or “to give up.” It entered the English language in the 14th century and has since been used to describe the act of forsaking or deserting something or someone.

Synonyms of Abandoning

Some synonyms of abandoning include:

  • 1. Deserting (ترک کرنا)
  • 2. Forsaking (چھوڑنا)
  • 3. Renouncing (ترک کرنا)
  • 4. Discarding (چھوڑنا)
  • 5. Relinquishing (ترک کرنا)

Antonyms of Abandoning

Antonyms of abandoning, along with their meanings in Urdu, include:

  • 1. Embracing (گلے لگانا) – To accept or welcome something or someone.
  • 2. Retaining (محفوظ رکھنا) – To keep or hold onto something.
  • 3. Preserving (حفاظت کرنا) – To protect or maintain something.
  • 4. Adhering (پیروی کرنا) – To stick to or follow something.
  • 5. Clinging (چپکنا) – To hold onto or remain attached to something.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abandoning, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • 1. Abandoned (Adjective) – ترک شدہ
  • 2. Abandonment (Noun) – ترک
  • 3. Abandonee (Noun) – ترک شدہ شخص
  • 4. Abandoner (Noun) – ترک کرنے والا
  • 5. Abandonment of Hope (Phrase) – امید کی ترک

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “abandoning” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • 1. She couldn’t bear the pain anymore, so she abandoned her dreams. (اسے اور درد برداشت نہیں ہو سکتی تھی، اس لئے اس نے اپنے خوابوں کو ترک کردیا۔)
  • 2. The company decided to abandon the project due to financial constraints. (کمپنی نے مالی پابندیوں کی وجہ سے منصوبے کو ترک کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔)
  • 3. He abandoned his old habits and embraced a healthier lifestyle. (اس نے اپنی پرانی عادات کو ترک کر دیا اور ایک صحتمند زندگی کو قبول کیا۔)

For more information on the word “abandoning,” you can visit the following websites: