
Badman Meaning in Urdu: برا آدمی

Badman is an English term that is commonly used to refer to a person who is involved in criminal activities or behaves in a wicked or evil manner. In Urdu, the meaning of badman is “برا آدمی”.

Synonyms of Badman:

  • Outlaw – غیر قانونی
  • Criminal – مجرم
  • Villain – بدمعاش
  • Rogue – بدمعاش

Badman Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of badman in English is [bad-man].


  • Good person – اچھا شخص
  • Honest individual – ایماندار فرد
  • Law-abiding citizen – قانون ماننے والا شہری

Nearby Words:

  • Badmash (Noun) – بدمعاش
  • Badmashi (Noun) – بدمعاشی
  • Badmashi Karna (Verb) – بدمعاشی کرنا
  • Badmashi Se (Adverb) – بدمعاشی سے

Origin of the Word Badman:

The word badman originated from the combination of “bad” and “man”. It is believed to have originated in the late 19th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He is known as a notorious badman in the city. (وہ شہر میں بدنام بدمعاش کے طور پر مشہور ہے۔)
  2. The police arrested the badman after a long chase. (پولیس نے لمبی پیچ کے بعد بدمعاش کو گرفتار کیا۔)

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