
Baffler Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Baffler is an English word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of baffler in Urdu are:

  1. مشکل بنانے والا: This meaning refers to someone or something that creates difficulty or confusion.
  2. پریشان کرنے والا: This meaning describes someone or something that causes annoyance or perplexity.
  3. راز کھولنے والا: This meaning refers to someone who reveals secrets or solves mysteries.

Synonyms of Baffler:

Some synonyms of baffler include:

  • Perplexing
  • Puzzling
  • Bewildering
  • Mystifying
  • Bemusing

Baffler Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of baffler is [baf-ler].


Antonyms of baffler in Urdu include:

  1. آسان: Meaning “easy” in English.
  2. سادہ: Meaning “simple” in English.
  3. واضح: Meaning “clear” in English.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to baffler, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Baffle (verb): راز کھولنا
  • Baffled (adjective): حیران
  • Bafflement (noun): حیرت
  • Baffling (adjective): پریشان کن

Origin of the Word Baffler:

The word baffler originated from the verb “baffle,” which came from the French word “bafouiller” meaning “to stammer” or “to hesitate.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. The mystery novel’s ending was a real baffler. (اس معمہ ناول کا خاتمہ واقعی راز کھولنے والا تھا۔)
  2. The magician’s tricks left the audience baffled. (جادوگر کے جادوئی کرتب سے حاضرین حیران رہ گئے۔)
  3. The complex math problem proved to be a baffler for the students. (پیچیدہ ریاضی کا مسئلہ طلبہ کے لئے پریشان کن ثابت ہوا۔)

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