acting appointment

Acting Appointment: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu


The pronunciation of “acting appointment” is [ak-ting uh-point-muhnt].

Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “acting appointment” in Urdu can be translated as:

  1. عارضی تقرری (Aarzi Taqarri)
  2. عارضی تعینات (Aarzi Taeenat)
  3. عارضی منصب (Aarzi Mansab)

Origin of the Word

The term “acting appointment” originated from the combination of the words “acting” and “appointment.” “Acting” refers to temporarily fulfilling a role or position, while “appointment” signifies the act of assigning or designating someone to a particular position or duty.


Synonyms for “acting appointment” include:

  • Temporary assignment
  • Interim position
  • Provisional designation


Antonyms for “acting appointment” in Urdu are:

  1. مستقل تقرری (Mustaqil Taqarri) – Permanent appointment
  2. مستقل تعینات (Mustaqil Taeenat) – Permanent designation
  3. مستقل منصب (Mustaqil Mansab) – Permanent position

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “acting appointment” are:

  • Acting (Noun) – عمل (Amal)
  • Appointment (Noun) – تقرری (Taqarri)
  • Temporary (Adjective) – عارضی (Aarzi)
  • Designation (Noun) – تعینات (Taeenat)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using “acting appointment” along with their Urdu translations:

  1. He was given an acting appointment as the manager. (وہ کو مینیجر کی عارضی تقرری دی گئی۔)
  2. The acting appointment will last for two months. (عارضی تقرری دو ماہ تک رہے گی۔)
  3. She performed exceptionally well during her acting appointment. (وہ اپنی عارضی تقرری کے دوران بہترین اداکاری کرتی رہی۔)

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