after hours

After Hours: Meaning and Pronunciation

After hours is an English phrase that refers to the time period after regular working hours or the usual closing time of a business establishment. In Telugu, it can be translated as “పనికి ముగియని వేళ” (paniki mugiyani vela).

Pronunciation: uhf-ter ow-erz

Synonyms of After Hours

1. Late-night
2. Off-hours
3. Beyond business hours
4. Non-working hours
5. Overtime

Nearby Words

1. Aftermath (noun) – తర్వాతి పరిణామం (tarvathi parinamam)
Example: The aftermath of the party was a messy house.

2. Afternoon (noun) – మధ్యాహ్నం (madhyahnam)
Example: Let’s meet for lunch in the afternoon.

3. Afterthought (noun) – తర్వాతి ఆలోచన (tarvathi alochana)
Example: I had an afterthought and decided to bring a gift to the party.

4. Afterward (adverb) – తర్వాత (tarvatha)
Example: We went to the park and afterward had ice cream.

5. Afterlife (noun) – తర్వాత జీవితం (tarvatha jeevitam)
Example: Many people believe in an afterlife.


The antonym of “after hours” in Telugu is “పని చేయడం” (pani cheyadam).

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