
Actuality: Meaning and Pronunciation

Actuality is a noun that refers to the state or quality of being actual or real. It can also mean the existence of something in fact, rather than in theory or imagination. In Telugu, actuality is translated as వాస్తవము (vāstavamu), నిజము (nijamu), అసలుగా (asalugā).

Pronunciation: ak-choo-al-i-tee

Synonyms of Actuality

– Reality
– Factuality
– Truth
– Authenticity
– Veracity

Nearby Words

– Actuarial (adjective): అంకెల సంబంధించిన (ankela sambandhinchina), relating to insurance statistics and calculations.
– Actuary (noun): అంకెల విశ్లేషకుడు (ankela viślēṣakuḍu), a person who calculates insurance risks and premiums.
– Actual (adjective): నిజమైన (nijamaina), existing in fact or reality.
– Actuate (verb): ప్రేరేపించు (prērēpiñcu), to cause someone to act in a particular way.
– Act (noun): చర్య (carya), a thing done or performed.

Related Sentences:

– The actuarial tables helped the insurance company determine the premium rates.
– The actuary calculated the risk of the policyholder’s claim.
– The actual cost of the project was higher than estimated.
– The inspiring speech actuated the audience to take action.
– His brave act saved the child from danger.


The antonym of actuality in Telugu is కాల్పనికము (kālpanikamu), which means “fiction” or “imaginary.”

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