active life

Active Life: Meaning and Pronunciation

The term “active life” refers to a lifestyle that involves regular physical activity and engagement in various activities. It signifies a dynamic and energetic way of living that promotes overall well-being and health.

Pronunciation: (ak-tiv lahyf)

Synonyms of Active Life

1. Dynamic Life (డైనమిక్ జీవనం)
2. Energetic Life (శక్తివంత జీవనం)
3. Vigorous Life (శక్తివంత జీవనం)
4. Lively Life (జీవంత జీవనం)
5. Active Lifestyle (క్రియాశీల జీవనం)

Nearby Words

1. Activity (Noun) – క్రియ
Example: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining an active life.

2. Activeness (Noun) – క్రియాశీలత
Example: Her activeness in sports has contributed to her active life.

3. Activate (Verb) – సక్రియం చేయు
Example: He tries to activate his body and mind every day to lead an active life.

4. Activism (Noun) – సక్రియత
Example: Her activism in environmental causes reflects her commitment to an active life.

5. Activist (Noun) – సక్రియవాది
Example: The activist promotes an active life by organizing fitness events in the community.


The antonym of “active life” is “sedentary life” (ఆరామకారి జీవనం).

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