
Accredited: Meaning and Pronunciation

In Telugu, the word “accredited” can be translated as అంగీకృత (angīkṛta). Pronounced as /əˈkrɛdɪtɪd/.

Synonyms of Accredited

Some synonyms of “accredited” include authorized, certified, endorsed, recognized, validated, and approved.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Accredit (verb): అంగీకరించు (angīkarinci) – To give official recognition or authorization.
  • Accreditation (noun): అంగీకరణ (angīkaraṇa) – The act of granting official recognition or authorization.
  • Accreditor (noun): అంగీకరించేవాడు (angīkarin̄cēvāḍu) – A person or organization that grants official recognition or authorization.

Example sentences:

  1. The university is accredited by the government. (విశ్వవిద్యాలయం ప్రభుత్వం ద్వారా అంగీకరించబడుతుంది.)
  2. She is an accredited journalist. (అతనికి అంగీకృత పత్రికావార్తల పని ఉంది.)


The antonym of “accredited” in Telugu is అంగీకరించని (angīkarin̄cani).

For more information on “accredited,” you can visit the following websites:

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