
Accuracy: Meaning and Pronunciation

Accuracy is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being correct or precise. It is derived from the Latin word “accuratus,” which means “done with care.” In Telugu, accuracy is translated as ఖచ్చితత (khachchitata).

Pronunciation: [ak-yer-uh-see]

Synonyms of Accuracy

1. Precision (ఖచ్చితత)
2. Correctness (సరిపోవు)
3. Exactness (ఖచ్చితత)
4. Veracity (సత్యత)
5. Fidelity (నిష్ఠా)

Nearby Words

1. Acute (adj.) – తీక్ష్ణ, sharp or severe
Example: The doctor noticed the patient’s acute pain in his abdomen.

2. Accurate (adj.) – ఖచ్చితమైన, correct or precise
Example: The accurate measurements ensured the success of the experiment.

3. Achieve (verb) – సాధించు, to accomplish or attain
Example: With hard work and determination, she was able to achieve her goals.

4. Actuality (noun) – వాస్తవము, the state of being real or true
Example: The documentary provided a glimpse into the actuality of life in remote villages.

5. Adapt (verb) – అనుకూలం చేయు, to adjust or modify
Example: The company had to adapt its marketing strategy to suit the changing consumer trends.


The antonym of accuracy in Telugu is తప్పుగా (tappugā).

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