
balanced Meaning in Nepali

balanced (adjective) – सन्तुलित, मिलाएको, समतुल्य, समतुल्यकारी, संतुलित रहेको



Meanings of balanced in Nepali:

1. सन्तुलित (santulit) – in a state of equilibrium or harmony

2. मिलाएको (milaeko) – equal in weight, amount, or force on both sides

3. समतुल्य (samatulya) – having equal proportions of different elements or parts

4. समतुल्यकारी (samatulyakari) – promoting or maintaining balance or equilibrium

5. संतुलित रहेको (santulit raheko) – remaining steady and stable

Synonyms of balanced:

1. Stable – स्थिर (sthira)

2. Equitable – न्यायिक (nyayik)

3. Proportionate – अनुपातिक (anupatik)

4. Harmonious – सामंजस्यपूर्ण (samajasyapurna)

5. Equilibrated – संतुलित (santulit)

Antonyms of balanced:

1. Unbalanced – असंतुलित (asantulit)

2. Unequal – असमान (asaman)

3. Disproportionate – अनुपातिक (anupatik)

4. Unstable – अस्थिर (asthira)

5. Imbalanced – असंतुलित (asantulit)

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