
Badmouths Meaning in Nepali

Badmouths is a verb that means to speak ill of someone or criticize them in a derogatory manner. In Nepali, it can be translated as:

बुद्धिमुग्ध गर्नु, निन्दा गर्नु, बुद्धिमुग्ध गर्नु, अपमान गर्नु, अपवाद गर्नु

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech:

Badmouth (verb), Badmouthed (adjective), Badmouthing (noun)

Part of Speech

The part of speech for badmouths is a verb.


The pronunciation of badmouths is: (bad-mouths)

Synonyms of Badmouths

Here are some synonyms of badmouths along with their Nepali translations:

1. Criticize – आलोचना गर्नु

2. Disparage – अपमान गर्नु

3. Defame – बदनाम गर्नु

4. Slander – अपवाद गर्नु

5. Vilify – निन्दा गर्नु

6. Denigrate – अपमान गर्नु

Origination of Badmouths

The term badmouths originated from the combination of the words “bad” and “mouth.” It refers to the act of speaking negatively or derogatorily about someone.


Antonyms of badmouths include:

1. Praise – प्रशंसा गर्नु

2. Compliment – सराहना गर्नु

3. Applaud – ताली बजाउनु

4. Appreciate – महत्व दिनु

5. Admire – प्रशंसा गर्नु

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