Bad Advice Meaning in Nepali
Nepali Meanings:
खराब सल्लाह (noun)
अप्रामाणिक सल्लाह (noun)
असामयिक सल्लाह (noun)
Part of Speech:
(bad uhd-vahys)
Bad Advice Synonyms:
1. Wrong guidance – गलत मार्गदर्शन
2. Misleading counsel – भ्रामक सल्लाह
3. False recommendation – असत्य अनुशंसा
4. Inaccurate suggestion – अशुद्ध सुझाव
5. Unreliable advice – अविश्वसनीय सल्लाह
6. Deceptive tip – छली टिप
Description and Origination of Bad Advice:
Bad advice refers to guidance or recommendations that are incorrect, misleading, or unreliable. It can lead to negative consequences or poor decision-making. Bad advice can originate from various sources, including well-meaning individuals who lack expertise, intentionally deceptive individuals, or misinformation spread through various channels. It is crucial to critically evaluate advice before acting upon it to avoid potential harm or undesirable outcomes.
1. Good advice – राम्रो सल्लाह
2. Reliable guidance – विश्वसनीय मार्गदर्शन
3. Accurate recommendation – सटिक अनुशंसा
4. Trustworthy suggestion – विश्वसनीय सुझाव
5. Sound counsel – ठिक सल्लाह