
Bacon’s Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: बेकन्सको अर्थ, बेकन्सको नेपाली अर्थ

Nearby Words:

Noun: बेकन्स (bacons), बेकन्सहरू (bacons), बेकन्सले (bacons)

Verb: बेकन्स गर्नु (to bacon), बेकन्सले बनाउनु (to make bacon)

Adjective: बेकन्सको (bacon’s), बेकन्सले बनाइएको (made of bacon)

Part of Speech:




Bacon’s Synonyms:

1. Pork Belly (सुअरको पेटी)

2. Ham (शुकुरको मासु)

3. Rashers (बेकन्सको टुक्रा)

4. Gammon (गामन)

5. Pancetta (पान्सेटा)

6. Guanciale (ग्वांचियाले)

Description and Origination:

Bacon is a type of salt-cured pork. It is prepared from various cuts of meat, typically from the pork belly or back. The word “bacon” originated from the Old High German word “bakko,” meaning “buttock.” Bacon is widely used in cooking and adds a distinct flavor to dishes. It can be fried, grilled, or used as an ingredient in various recipes. In Nepali cuisine, bacon is gaining popularity as an ingredient in dishes like sandwiches, pasta, and salads.


1. Vegetarian (शाकाहारी)

2. Vegan (शाकाहारी)

3. Plant-based (बनस्पतिक)

4. Herbivorous (हरियोजन्तु)

5. Non-meat (मासुरहिन)

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