
atfirst Meaning in Nepali: पहिलोमा, सबैभन्दा पहिले, पहिलो ठाउँमा, पहिलो ठाउँमा, पहिलो ठाउँमा, पहिलो ठाउँमा

Nearby Words:

Adverb: पहिलोमा, सबैभन्दा पहिले

Adjective: पहिलो ठाउँमा

Part of Speech of atfirst:


Pronunciation of atfirst:


atfirst Synonyms:

initially (पहिलोमा), first (पहिलो), foremost (सबैभन्दा पहिले), primarily (पहिलो ठाउँमा), in the beginning (पहिलो ठाउँमा), at the outset (पहिलो ठाउँमा)

Description and Origination of atfirst:

Atfirst is an adverb that signifies something happening or existing in the beginning or at the initial stage. It is derived from the combination of the words “at” and “first.” The term is commonly used to describe the initial occurrence or position of something.


last (अन्तिम), finally (अन्तिममा)

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