
Aye Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: हो, ठिक छ, ठिकै छ, हाँ, होइन

Nearby Words:

Noun: आयोजना (Arrangement), आयोजक (Organizer), आयोजन (Event), आयोजनाकर्ता (Event Organizer)

Verb: आयोजन गर्नु (Organize), आयोजना गर्नु (Arrange), आयोजन गर्ने (Organizer), आयोजना गर्ने (Arranger)

Adjective: आयोजित (Arranged), आयोजनयोग्य (Organizable), आयोजनात्मक (Eventful)

Part of Speech:

Aye is an interjection.


(ay) [ey]

Aye Synonyms:

Yes (हो), Okay (ठिक छ), Alright (ठिकै छ), Yeah (हाँ), Affirmative (होइन)

Description and Origination:

The word “aye” is commonly used in Nepali to express agreement or consent. It is an interjection that signifies affirmation or approval. The term originated from the English language and has been adopted into Nepali vocabulary. It is widely used in conversations and informal settings to indicate a positive response. The word “aye” holds a similar meaning to “yes” or “okay” in English. It is a simple and concise way to convey agreement or acceptance.


No (होइन), Disagree (मत दिनु), Refuse (मन नगर्नु), Deny (अस्वीकार गर्नु), Decline (त्याग गर्नु)


For more information on the word “aye,” you can visit the following sources:

1. Dictionary.com

2. Wikipedia.org

3. TheFreeDictionary.com