
awhiteelephant Meaning in Nepali

awhiteelephant को नेपाली अर्थ (Nepali meanings of awhiteelephant): एक व्यक्ति, सामग्री, वा प्रक्रिया जुन अर्थहीन, अनावश्यक, वा अप्रयोजनक हुन्छ।

Nearby Words

Noun: अर्थहीन, अनावश्यक, अप्रयोजनक, व्यर्थ, निरर्थक

Part of Speech



(awhiteelephant) [ey-wahyt-el-uh-fuhnt]

awhiteelephant Synonyms

1. Useless (अप्रयोजनक)

2. Worthless (निरर्थक)

3. Unnecessary (अनावश्यक)

4. Ineffective (असक्षम)

5. Futile (व्यर्थ)

6. Pointless (अर्थहीन)

Description and Origination of awhiteelephant

awhiteelephant is a term used to describe something or someone that is without value, unnecessary, or impractical. The term originates from the traditional practice of gifting a white elephant, which was considered a burden due to its high maintenance costs and lack of practical use. In modern usage, awhiteelephant refers to any item, substance, or process that is deemed useless or ineffective. It is often used metaphorically to describe situations or endeavors that are wasteful or unproductive.


1. Useful (उपयोगी)

2. Valuable (मूल्यवान)

3. Necessary (आवश्यक)

4. Effective (कारगर)

5. Productive (उत्पादक)

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