
Awakenings Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: जागरणहरू, जागरणहरूहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: Awakening (जागरण), Awaken (जागनु), Awareness (जागरणशीलता), Alertness (चेतनाशीलता)

Verb: Awaken (जागनु), Stir (उत्तेजित गर्नु), Rouse (जागाउनु), Waken (जागनु), Wake (जागनु)

Part of Speech:

Awakenings is a noun.



Awakenings Synonyms:

1. Revival – पुनर्जागरण

2. Reawakening – पुनर्जागरण

3. Resurgence – पुनर्जागरण

4. Renewal – नवीकरण

5. Regeneration – पुनर्जन्म

6. Resurrection – पुनर्जन्म

Description and Origination:

Awakenings refer to the act of waking up or becoming aware after a period of inactivity or unawareness. It signifies a revival or reawakening of consciousness. The term originated from the word “awaken,” which means to rouse from sleep or to become aware of something. Awakenings can occur in various aspects of life, such as personal growth, societal changes, or spiritual enlightenment. It is a powerful concept that emphasizes the transformative nature of becoming conscious and aware.


1. Sleep – निद्रा

2. Unawareness – अज्ञान

3. Ignorance – अज्ञान

4. Slumber – निद्रा

5. Inactivity – निष्क्रियता

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