
Aurora Meaning in Nepali: आउरा, उज्यालो, प्रकाश, बिजुली, बत्ती

Nearby Words:

Noun: आउरा (Aurā), उज्यालो (Ujyālo), प्रकाश (Prakāś), बिजुली (Bijulī), बत्ती (Battī)

Part of Speech:




Aurora Synonyms:

Noun: Dawn, Sunrise, Light, Illumination, Radiance

Nepali Translation: प्रभात, सूर्योदय, प्रकाश, प्रकाशन, प्रकाशमानता


Noun: Dusk, Sunset, Darkness, Obscurity, Shadow

Nepali Translation: साँझ, सूर्यास्त, अन्धकार, अस्पष्टता, छायांकितता

The word “aurora” has several meanings in Nepali, including आउरा, उज्यालो, प्रकाश, बिजुली, and बत्ती. It is a noun and is pronounced as “uh-rawr-uh.” Some synonyms for aurora in English are dawn, sunrise, light, illumination, and radiance, which can be translated to Nepali as प्रभात, सूर्योदय, प्रकाश, प्रकाशन, and प्रकाशमानता respectively. On the other hand, some antonyms for aurora in English are dusk, sunset, darkness, obscurity, and shadow, which can be translated to Nepali as साँझ, सूर्यास्त, अन्धकार, अस्पष्टता, and छायांकितता respectively. For more information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and