
Allurements Meaning in Nepali

Allurements is a noun that means “प्रलोभनहरू, मोहनीयताहरू” in Nepali. It is pronounced as [uh-loo r-muhnts].

Part of Speech

Allurements is a noun.

Nearby Words

  • 1. Allure (noun) – प्रलोभन, मोहनीयता
  • 2. Alluring (adjective) – मोहक, आकर्षक
  • 3. Allured (verb) – प्रलोभित, मोहित

Synonyms of Allurements

  • 1. Temptations – आकर्षणहरू
  • 2. Enticements – प्रलोभनहरू
  • 3. Seductions – मोहनीयताहरू
  • 4. Lures – आकर्षणहरू
  • 5. Charms – मोहनीयताहरू

Antonyms of Allurements

The antonyms of Allurements in Nepali are not available.

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Allurements in English

Allurements refer to the enticing or attractive factors that captivate or tempt someone. These allurements can be in the form of charms, temptations, enticements, or seductions. They have the power to captivate and draw individuals towards them.

Allurements can be found in various aspects of life, such as relationships, marketing, or even personal desires. They are often used to persuade or influence individuals to make certain choices or decisions.

With their alluring nature, allurements can be powerful tools in capturing attention and generating interest. However, it is important to be cautious and discerning when faced with allurements, as they may not always lead to positive outcomes.

Overall, allurements play a significant role in human experiences, and understanding their impact can help individuals make informed decisions and navigate through various situations.