
Auriform Meaning in Nepali: औरिफार्म को अर्थ (noun), औरिफार्म को अर्थ (adjective)

Nepali Meanings of Auriform:

Noun: औरिफार्म को अर्थ 1, औरिफार्म को अर्थ 2, औरिफार्म को अर्थ 3

Adjective: औरिफार्म को अर्थ 1, औरिफार्म को अर्थ 2, औरिफार्म को अर्थ 3

Part of Speech of Auriform:


Pronunciation of Auriform:


Auriform Synonyms:

1. Ear-shaped (कानको आकारको)

2. Shell-like (शंखको आकारको)

3. Conchiform (शंखको आकारको)

4. Cochlear (कानको आकारको)

5. Otic (कानको)

6. Conchal (शंखको)

Description and Origination of Auriform:

Auriform is an adjective that describes something shaped like an ear. The word “auriform” originates from the Latin word “auris,” meaning “ear,” and the suffix “-form,” meaning “shape.” It is commonly used in scientific and descriptive contexts to refer to objects or structures resembling the shape of an ear.

Auriform Antonyms:

1. Angular (कोणीय)

2. Rectangular (आयताकार)

3. Square (वर्गाकार)

4. Triangular (त्रिकोणाकार)

5. Cubical (घनाकार)

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