
Aureola Meaning in Nepali: आभास, प्रकाश, प्रकाशक, चमक, ज्योति

Nearby Words:

Noun: आभास, प्रकाश, चमक, ज्योति

Adjective: प्रकाशक

Part of Speech:




Aureola Synonyms:

1. Halo – हालो

2. Radiance – प्रकाश

3. Aura – आभास

4. Glare – चमक

5. Light – ज्योति

Aureola is a noun that refers to a circle of light or brightness surrounding a source, such as the sun or a person’s head. In Nepali, it can be translated as आभास, प्रकाश, प्रकाशक, चमक, or ज्योति. The word is pronounced as “aw-ree-uh-luh.” Some synonyms for aureola include halo, radiance, aura, glare, and light. It is often associated with religious or spiritual symbolism, representing divine presence or enlightenment. To learn more about aureola, you can visit,, or