
Auras Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “auras” can be translated into several meanings, including आभा (aabhā), प्रकाश (prakāśa), रंग (raṅga), चमक (chamaka), and प्रभा (prabhā).

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:


– Aura (आभा)

– Light (प्रकाश)

– Color (रंग)

– Shine (चमक)

– Radiance (प्रभा)

Part of Speech of Auras

The part of speech for “auras” is a noun.

Pronunciation of Auras

The pronunciation of “auras” is [awr-uhz].

Auras Synonyms

Here are some synonyms for “auras” in English along with their Nepali translations:

– Energy (ऊर्जा)

– Atmosphere (वातावरण)

– Vibe (वाइब)

– Essence (सार)

– Spirit (आत्मा)

– Halo (हालो)

Origination of Auras

Auras are believed to be a subtle energy field that surrounds living beings. This concept is often associated with spirituality and metaphysics. It is believed that auras can reflect a person’s emotional, mental, and spiritual state. The study of auras has been present in various cultures and spiritual practices throughout history.


Unfortunately, there are no specific antonyms for “auras” in English and Nepali.

For more information on “auras,” you can visit the following websites: