
attimes Meaning in Nepali: कभी-कभी, कहिलेकाहीं, कहिलेकाहींसमयमा, कहिलेकाहींवेलामा

Nearby Words:

Noun: अवसर, समय, वेला

Adverb: कभी-कभी, कहिलेकाहीं, कहिलेकाहींसमयमा, कहिलेकाहींवेलामा

Part of Speech:




attimes Synonyms:

occasionally (कभी-कभी), sometimes (कहिलेकाहीं), periodically (अवकाशमा), intermittently (अनियमित रूपमा), sporadically (अनियमित रूपमा)

Description and Origination:

attimes is an adverb that is used to describe something that happens occasionally or at certain intervals. It can be translated into Nepali as “कभी-कभी,” “कहिलेकाहीं,” “कहिलेकाहींसमयमा,” or “कहिलेकाहींवेलामा.” This word originated from the combination of “at” and “times,” indicating that something occurs at specific moments or instances.


always (सधैं), constantly (निरन्तर), regularly (नियमित रूपमा), frequently (बढी छिटो), invariably (नियमित रूपमा)

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