
Attendants Meaning in Nepali: अनुचार, सहायक, सेवक, सहायकहरू, सहायक लोगहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: attendant (सहायक), assistant (सहायक), servant (सेवक), helper (सहायक), aide (सहायक)

Adjective: accompanying (सहायक), accompanying (सहायक), accompanying (सहायक), accompanying (सहायक), accompanying (सहायक)

Part of Speech of Attendants:


Pronunciation of Attendants:


Attendants Synonyms:

1. helpers (सहायकहरू)

2. aides (सहायक)

3. assistants (सहायक)

4. servants (सेवक)

5. supporters (समर्थकहरू)

6. attendants (सहायकहरू)

Attendants are individuals who provide assistance or support to others. In Nepali, attendants can be referred to as अनुचार, सहायक, सेवक, सहायकहरू, सहायक लोगहरू. They can be noun or adjective depending on the context. The word “attendants” is pronounced as (uh-ten-duhnts).

Some synonyms of attendants in English include helpers, aides, assistants, servants, supporters, and attendants themselves. These words can be used interchangeably to refer to individuals who provide assistance or support.

To learn more about the meaning and usage of attendants, you can visit the following websites: