attach importance

Attach Importance Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा आदान-प्रदान महत्व दिनु (aadān-pradān mahatva dinu), महत्व जोड्नु (mahatva joḍnu), महत्व दिनु (mahatva dinu)

Nearby Words:

Noun: Attachment (संलग्नता), Import (आयात), Significance (महत्व), Value (महत्व), Emphasis (जोर)

Verb: Connect (जोड्नु), Link (जोड्नु), Associate (संबद्ध गर्नु), Relate (सम्बन्धित गर्नु), Join (संयोजन गर्नु)

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-tach im-pawr-tns

Attach Importance Synonyms:

Value, Give Importance, Emphasize, Highlight, Prioritize

Nepali Translation: महत्व दिनु, महत्व दिनु, जोर दिनु, जोर दिनु, प्राथमिकता दिनु

Description and Origination of Attach Importance:

When we attach importance to something, we give it value, significance, or emphasize its relevance. It is a verb that signifies the act of prioritizing or highlighting the importance of a particular thing or matter. This phrase originated from the English language and is commonly used in various contexts to stress the significance of a subject or action.


Disregard, Neglect, Underestimate, Devalue, Ignore

Nepali Translation: अनदेखि, उपेक्षा, महत्व नदिनु, मूल्यमान घटाउनु, अवहेलना गर्नु

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