
ats Meaning in Nepali: एट्स, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस

Nearby Words:

Noun: एट्स, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस

Verb: एट्स, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस

Adjective: एट्स, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस, एटीएस

Part of Speech:




ats Synonyms:

1. Automatic Transfer Switch (स्वचालित स्थानान्तरण स्विच)

2. Applicant Tracking System (आवेदक ट्र्याकिंग सिस्टम)

3. Advanced Technology Solutions (उन्नत प्रविधि समाधानहरू)

4. Against the Spread (छर्दाबाट विरुद्ध)

5. Automated Trading System (स्वचालित व्यापार सिस्टम)

6. Air Traffic Service (वायुयान यातायात सेवा)

Description and Origination of ats:

ats is an acronym that stands for various terms in different contexts. It can refer to an Automatic Transfer Switch, which is used to switch between power sources during a power outage. In the field of recruitment, ats stands for Applicant Tracking System, a software used by companies to manage and track job applications. Additionally, ats can also stand for Advanced Technology Solutions, which refers to innovative technological solutions. The term “ats” originated from the need to abbreviate and simplify complex terms in various industries.


1. Manual (म्यानुअल)

2. Unautomated (अस्वचालित)

3. Inefficient (अप्रभावी)

4. Non-automated (गैर-स्वचालित)

5. Traditional (परम्परागत)

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