
Alburnum Meaning in Nepali

Alburnum को नेपालीमा अर्थहरू:

  1. अल्बर्नम, ताल्लो लकडीको भित्रको तारामा रहेको ताजा रंगको भाग (noun)
  2. अल्बर्नम, ताल्लो लकडीको भित्रको तारामा रहेको ताजा रंगको भाग (noun)

(उच्चारण: अल्बर्नम)

Part of Speech of Alburnum

Alburnum is a noun.

Nearby Words

  • Albino (noun) – अल्बिनो, सफेद रंगको जन्तु
  • Album (noun) – एल्बम, गीत, चित्र, आदि संग्रह
  • Albeit (conjunction) – यद्यपि, तर, तथापि

Alburnum Synonyms

  • Sapwood
  • Softwood
  • Whitewood
  • Youngwood
  • Outer Wood

Alburnum Antonyms

There are no specific antonyms for Alburnum in Nepali.

Learn More

Alburnum is the fresh, living wood found just beneath the bark of a tree. It is also known as sapwood or softwood. The alburnum is characterized by its light color and is responsible for transporting water and nutrients throughout the tree. It serves as a protective layer for the inner, more mature wood. In Nepali, alburnum is referred to as “अल्बर्नम” and is pronounced as “alburnam.” It is a noun and can be used to describe the outer wood of a tree. Some synonyms for alburnum include sapwood, softwood, whitewood, youngwood, and outer wood. There are no specific antonyms for alburnum in Nepali. To learn more about alburnum, you can refer to online dictionaries such as,, and