
Back-Bencher Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: पछाडीको बाँचेको, पछाडीको बाँचेका, पछाडीको बाँचेले

Part of Speech:

Back-bencher is a noun.



Back-Bencher Synonyms:

1. Nonentity (अवांछित)

2. Insignificant (तुच्छ)

3. Obscure (अप्रसिद्ध)

4. Unimportant (अनुपयोगी)

5. Irrelevant (अनुपयुक्त)

6. Inconspicuous (अप्रत्यक्ष)

Description and Origination:

A back-bencher refers to a member of a legislative body who sits in the back rows of the assembly hall, away from the front benches where the leaders and prominent members sit. In Nepali, a back-bencher is known as “पछाडीको बाँचेको” or “पछाडीको बाँचेका”. Back-benchers are often considered to have less influence and are not actively involved in decision-making processes. They are usually seen as ordinary members who do not hold any significant positions or responsibilities within the legislative body.


1. Leader (नेता)

2. Prominent (प्रमुख)

3. Influential (प्रभावशाली)

4. Notable (महत्वपूर्ण)

5. Eminent (प्रसिद्ध)

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