
Atomizing Meaning in Nepali: अणुकरण, अणुविभाजन, अणुविभाजन गर्ने, अणुविभाजन गर्ने क्रिया, अणुविभाजन गर्ने क्रियालय

Nearby Words:

Noun: अणुकरण, अणुविभाजन, अणुविभाजन गर्ने, अणुविभाजन गर्ने क्रिया, अणुविभाजन गर्ने क्रियालय

Part of Speech:




Atomizing Synonyms:

1. Disintegrating – विभाजन गर्ने

2. Fragmenting – टुक्राउने

3. Breaking down – टुक्राउने

4. Dividing – विभाजन गर्ने

5. Dissolving – विघटन गर्ने

6. Shattering – टुक्राउने

Description and Origination of Atomizing:

Atomizing is a verb that refers to the process of breaking down or dividing something into smaller parts or particles. It can also mean the act of dissolving or shattering something. The term originated from the word “atomize,” which means to convert into atoms or small particles. Atomizing is commonly used in various fields such as chemistry, physics, and technology.


1. Combining – एकीकरण

2. Unifying – एकीकरण

3. Assembling – एकीकरण

4. Joining – एकीकरण

5. Integrating – एकीकरण

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