
Areca Meaning in Nepali: बेतेल, सुपारी, सुपारीको पात, सुपारीको बाटो, सुपारीको गोठ, सुपारीको झार

Nearby Words:

Noun: बेतेल, सुपारी, सुपारीको पात, सुपारीको बाटो, सुपारीको गोठ, सुपारीको झार

Verb: बेतेल खानु, सुपारी खानु

Part of Speech:




Areca Synonyms:

1. Betel (बेतेल)

2. Supari (सुपारी)

3. Betel nut (सुपारीको पात)

4. Betel palm (सुपारीको बाटो)

5. Areca palm (सुपारीको गोठ)

6. Areca catechu (सुपारीको झार)

Description and Origination of Areca:

Areca, also known as betel nut, is the seed of the areca palm tree. It is commonly chewed in many parts of Asia for its stimulant effects. In Nepal, areca is widely consumed as a traditional mouth freshener and is often offered to guests as a sign of hospitality. The areca palm tree is native to tropical regions of Asia and is cultivated for its nuts, which are harvested and dried before being used. The use of areca has a long history and cultural significance in Nepal and other Asian countries.


1. Unstimulating (अप्रेरणात्मक)

2. Unexciting (अवास्तविक)

3. Boring (उबाउने)

4. Dull (उबाउने)

5. Uninteresting (अवास्तविक)

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