
Atoll Meaning in Nepali: एटोल, एटोलको अर्थ, एटोलको नेपाली अर्थ

Nepali Meanings of Atoll:

1. एटोल: Noun, महासागरीय द्वीपको एक प्रकारको बन्दरगाह

2. एटोल: Noun, एक प्रकारको द्वीप

3. एटोल: Noun, एक प्रकारको जलधारा

Part of Speech of Atoll:


Pronunciation of Atoll:

(uh-tawl, at-awl)

Atoll Synonyms:

1. Island: द्वीप

2. Reef: रीफ

3. Cay: द्वीप

4. Islet: टापु

5. Key: कुंजी

6. Holm: द्वीप

Description and Origination of Atoll:

An atoll is a type of coral reef that forms a ring-shaped island or series of islands surrounding a lagoon. It is formed by the growth of coral reefs on the rim of an underwater volcano. Atolls are commonly found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are known for their unique and diverse marine ecosystems. Atolls provide habitats for various marine species and are popular destinations for diving and snorkeling.

Antonyms of Atoll:

1. Mainland: मुख्य भूमि

2. Peninsula: उपनिषद्

3. Continent: महाद्वीप

4. Land: जमिन

5. Shore: तट

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