

Meaning in Nepali: श्रोत गर्नु, स्वीकार गर्नु

Pronunciation: (ad-mit-ing)

Part of Speech: verb

Nearby Words:

  • Admission (noun) – प्रवेश, स्वीकृति
  • Admissible (adjective) – स्वीकार्य, मान्य
  • Admittedly (adverb) – मान्य गर्दा, स्वीकार गर्दा


  • Accepting – स्वीकार गर्ने
  • Confessing – इतिराफ गर्ने
  • Acknowledging – मान्यता दिने
  • Allowing – अनुमति दिने
  • Granting – अनुमति गर्ने


Denying – इनकार गर्दै

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Admitting, as a verb, refers to the act of accepting or acknowledging something. It can also mean allowing someone to enter or granting them permission. In Nepali, “admitting” is translated as “श्रोत गर्नु” or “स्वीकार गर्नु.” It is often used in contexts where one confesses or accepts a truth or fact. For example, “He admitted his mistake” or “She admitted her love for him.” The word can also be used in the context of granting access or permission, such as “The security guard admitted them into the building.” The antonym of “admitting” is “denying” (इनकार गर्दै). Overall, “admitting” is a versatile word that encompasses the act of accepting, confessing, or allowing.