
Atlast Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, “atlast” can be translated into several meanings: अन्तिममा (antimama), अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama), अन्तिम ठाउँमा (antima thau ma), अन्तिम नतिजामा (antima natijama), अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama).

Nearby Words

– Adjective: अन्तिम (antima), अन्तिमकालीन (antimakalina)

– Adverb: अन्तिममा (antimama), अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama), अन्तिम ठाउँमा (antima thau ma), अन्तिम नतिजामा (antima natijama)

Part of Speech: Adverb

Pronunciation: (at-last)

Atlast Synonyms

1. Finally – अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama)

2. Ultimately – अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama)

3. In the end – अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama)

4. Eventually – अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama)

5. Last but not least – अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama)

Description and Origination of Atlast

“Atlast” is a word commonly used to express the idea of something happening or occurring finally or in the end. It is often used to indicate the conclusion or outcome of a series of events or actions. The word originated from the combination of the words “at” and “last,” emphasizing the finality or culmination of a situation. In Nepali, it can be translated into various meanings, such as अन्तिममा (antimama) and अन्तिम रूपमा (antima rupama).


1. Initially – प्राथमिक रूपमा (prathmik rupama)

2. First – पहिलो (pahilo)

3. Initially – प्राथमिक रूपमा (prathmik rupama)

4. In the beginning – सुरुमा (suruma)

5. At first – पहिलोमा (pahiloma)

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