

Meaning in Nepali: अपशिष्टीकरण, मिश्रण

Pronunciation: (uh-duhl-tuh-rey-shuhn)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adulterate: verb, मिश्रण गर्नु
  • Adulterant: noun, अपशिष्टीकरक
  • Adulterous: adjective, अपशिष्टीकरणसम्बन्धी


  • Contamination
  • Impurity
  • Dilution
  • Tampering
  • Debasement


शुद्धीकरण (purification)

Adulteration refers to the act of adding impure or inferior substances to a product, usually with the intention of deceiving consumers or reducing production costs. It is a widespread issue that affects various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Adulteration can compromise the quality and safety of products, posing health risks to consumers. Governments and regulatory bodies enforce strict measures to combat adulteration and protect consumer rights.

For more information on adulteration, you can visit the following sources: