
Astrophysicist Meaning in Nepali

Astrophysicist, खगोलविज्ञानी, खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ, खगोलविज्ञ, खगोलविज्ञान विद्यार्थी

Nearby Words

– Astrophysics (noun) – खगोलशास्त्र
– Astrologer (noun) – ज्योतिषी
– Astronomer (noun) – खगोलविद्
– Astronomy (noun) – खगोलविज्ञान
– Astrology (noun) – ज्योतिष
– Astral (adjective) – खगोलीय
– Astral body (noun) – खगोलीय शरीर
– Astral plane (noun) – खगोलीय तल
– Astral projection (noun) – खगोलीय प्रक्षेपण
– Astral travel (noun) – खगोलीय यात्रा

Part of Speech

Astrophysicist is a noun.



Astrophysicist Synonyms

1. Astronomer – खगोलविद्
2. Cosmologist – ब्रह्माण्डशास्त्री
3. Space scientist – अन्तरिक्ष वैज्ञानिक
4. Celestial physicist – खगोलीय भौतिकशास्त्री
5. Stellar physicist – ताराभौतिकशास्त्री
6. Galactologist – ग्रहमण्डशास्त्री

Description and Origination of Astrophysicist

Astrophysicist is a noun that refers to a person who studies and researches the physical properties and phenomena of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. They use principles of physics and mathematics to understand the nature of the universe and its components. The term “astrophysicist” originated from the combination of “astro-” meaning “related to stars or celestial objects” and “physicist” meaning “a person who studies physics.” Astrophysicists play a crucial role in expanding our knowledge of the universe and its origins.


1. Astrologer – ज्योतिषी
2. Non-scientist – गैर-वैज्ञानिक
3. Layperson – अविद्यार्थी
4. Novice – नवीन
5. Amateur – प्रारंभिक

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