absent mindedness

Absent Mindedness

Meaning in Nepali: अवचेतनता, बिस्मय, अवगति

Pronunciation: (अब्सेन्ट माइंडिडनेस)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Abstract (Noun) – अमूर्त, अप्रत्यक्ष
  • Abstraction (Noun) – अमूर्ति, अप्रत्यक्षता
  • Abstain (Verb) – त्याग गर्नु, बिरामी राख्नु
  • Abstinence (Noun) – बिरामी, त्याग
  • Abstracted (Adjective) – अमूर्तित, अप्रत्यक्षित


  • Forgetfulness
  • Inattentiveness
  • Preoccupation
  • Distraction
  • Daydreaming


चेतना (Consciousness)

To find more information about “absent mindedness,” you can visit the following websites:

  1. dictionary.com
  2. wikipedia.org
  3. thefreedictionary.com

Absent mindedness refers to the state of being forgetful or inattentive due to a lack of focus or preoccupation with other thoughts. It is characterized by a tendency to forget things, lose track of time, or become easily distracted. People who experience absent mindedness may often appear to be daydreaming or lost in their own thoughts.

Absent mindedness can be caused by various factors such as stress, fatigue, or simply having a naturally wandering mind. It can affect individuals in their daily lives, leading to minor inconveniences or even more significant consequences, such as forgetting important appointments or misplacing belongings.

By understanding the causes and effects of absent mindedness, individuals can take steps to improve their focus and memory. Techniques such as mindfulness exercises, organization strategies, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help combat absent mindedness and enhance overall cognitive function.